Better Image Resizing in Firefox 3

As I am extremely lazy, I often put up images on AusGamers and just use the image tags “width” and “height” to resize the image to make it fit how I want (rather than doing the correct thing and resizing the image correctly).

This generally results in the image looking like crap – at least in Firefox 2 and other old browsers – presumably because the browser uses an image resizing algorithm focusing on speed, rather than quality, so it looks something like this:

You can see – especially around the blue box with the question mark – there’s some ugly jagged bits in there. Typically, I wouldn’t be able to stand looking at those horrible flaws and would then be inspired to upload a correctly resized image.

Safari, however, does a better job and resizes the image much more nicely:

And as I discovered recently, so does the latest Firefox 3 beta:

So, net result is good news in that you can now lazily include an image that isn’t correctly sized and not have it look completely terrible. If you don’t mind assuming everyone is using a modern browser, of course.