After a far too long delay, we’ve finally got a new version of WackGet which works on Windows 7 and Windows Vista!
Big thanks to Andrew at Mammoth Media for throwing his time into getting this updated and working. It turns out there were a couple of bugs that were present in previous versions that just happened to work on previous Windows versions, but the more recent Windows editions wouldn’t put up with that sort of crap and barfed.
Here’s the change log:
1.2.4 – Bugfixes
Corrected a bug related to invalid memory access that caused a crash on Windows Vista/7
Corrected a bug where a download may appear stuck for 10-15 seconds before starting
You can download v1.2.4 here. We’re just packaging up the source code and will have it available shortly.
Update 2012-10-08: A user has reported a bug in this version where pausing and resuming files after around the 6GB mark does not work. I have reproduced this and have confirmed it is a problem in the included version of wget.exe. Unfortunately the wget executable can not just be replaced so it is a bit of work to fix this problem.
I’ll see if I can get someone to fix it but in the meantime if someone is willing to have a crack at it that’d be great (source code is available here).
Love Wackget and have used it for years (currently using 1.2.2) with K-Meleon where it has a small, but intense following. Much thanks!
there appears to be a bug in WackGet 1.2.4.
when attempting to download a 9.7 GB file (, if i pause the download anywhere over 6,093,000K and then resume, the file will restart downloading at just over 6,092,000K. iow, WackGet truncates the file to just over 6,092,000K before resuming. i unfortunately discovered this bug only after attempting to pause and resume this download twice at close to 9 GB on a relatively slow internet connection (so i lost 6 GBs of download time to this bug).
Looks like you are right, I’ve been able to reproduce this. I’ll see if we can fix this, but if there’s anyone else out there that has time to commit a fix that’d be great.
Edit: This looks like a problem in wget. We’ll have to do a new build to fix this problem. I’ve updated the post above to list this as a known bug.
Can you make the –no-check-certificate parameter on by default (or at least selectable on or off)
otherwise this is an awesome program. I’ve had to stop using it due to the increase in https sites.
but every couple of years i google to see if there is a newer version somewhere out there.
You might be able to do that with a .wgetrc file, or perhaps in Windows it’s an environment option. But it might be better off getting the certificate checking working instead :D