A quick summary of the action in Munich, just copied and pasted from my post to QGL about it:
Well, I am currently in Munich and watched the game at the FanFest here out at the Olympic Park. Unfortunately I can’t get photos online but if you google I’m sure some people have gotten some up. There were thousands and thousands of people out there – I can’t even estimate how many but it was packed out. Lots and lots and LOTS of Aussies, which is awesome.
The few nights before here in Munich were great too. The atmosphere here is just indescribable. I can’t even begin to explain how awesome it is being in a crowded German beerhall with thousands of people all here for the soccer.
Most of the Aussies we’ve met here (like us) don’t even have tickets – it is so cool to see so much support for the Socceroos even from people that aren’t going to the games. Everyone is (generally) in such a great mood; it is really nice to see people from all countries just getting along. Everyone seems to love the Aussies (although we keep hearing Americans saying weird things; I think they’re copping a lot of shit from everyone – including Australians – and are suprised that no one seems to like them).
It is really cool to be able to walk around and see random groups of Aussies (you just here cries of “Aussie!” everywhere as you’re walking down the street). The day of the Brazil game we were all meeting in Marienplatz (big square here) and random tourists would walk past all the Aussies drinking beer and stop to take our photo. We get lots of people just walking up to us to say hello and shake our hand and to wish us luck.
Of course the Brazilians were getting their share of the love as well – they’re noisy and are just partying all the time. They’ve got the drums going and are doing a lot of chanting. I thought they were remarkably restrained after the game – I guess they’re used to winning. It would have been total fucking chaos here last night had Australia won – we would have torn the town apart with drunken revelry!
The weather here is beautiful too. Drinking steins of beer is awesome but surprisingly hard work – after the second litre of beer you need a breather.
I thought the game was pretty good, Aussies did well considering they were up against the favourite of the entire competition and one of the best teams in the world. We were unlucky with a few shots (and I think calls) but overall it was a top game and I can’t wait to go to Stuttgart to see how we go against the Croats.
After the game some of the guys we were with busted out a Sherrin and started kicking it around the (crowded) field we were on. Everyone had a good laugh as all the crazy-ass Aussies ran around chasing the footy going for marks and tackling the shit out of each other. Well, everyone except the people that got sconed in the head by the footy.
It is just so amazing being here.