…and available for download for BigPond Broadband customers on BigPond Files.
At the moment I’ve just got all the major/popular ISOs up – i386 and AMD64 architecture ones. The SPARC, HHPC and PowerPC ones I’ll do a bit later (although if you really want them now, just hit the File Request page to let us know).
I believe there’s also a way to upgrade an existing distribution using the repository mirror (BP users only) we have, but I’m not sure on the process. (Update: Nathan has provided some instructions on the process on his site.)
Unfortunately given the release happened on a public holiday it caused a bit more havoc than normal; I underestimated the demand (which was HUGE, which is great to see) so for the first hour or so downloads were a little bit slow until I got another distribution server into the mix – then that got hammered as well.
I’m interested in feedback from users having performance problems; feel free to post details about your issues here and I’ll see if I can figure out a way to speed things up for you.
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